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Podcast 22: Spring Movie Night w/ my sister Sarah

Hello hello, and welcome to episode 22 of Life On the Brink!

Happy spring! Where I live in southeast Virginia, the sun is shining more and more frequently and it's slowly growing warmer each day. My apartment and my wardrobe have had a little spring refresh, and we've begun some work in the garden. Life is so good right now! Just seeing the sun in the morning and sitting by the front window not having to brave freezing temperatures does so much for me. I don't know about you, but I'm a little invigorated.

And today we have a nice, long, funny episode. We’re continuing our seasonal movie night series, featuring my sister Sarah!

Sarah as her springtime self.

Over this past year, we have been combining our Top 5 (ish) to create one big Top 10 (ish) list of movies to watch during these particular seasons. We love seasonal living and decorating, and sometimes there are films that you just love so much, but they don't feel right if you don't watch them at the right time.

Or maybe they do a great job of making you excited for this next season.

In this next installment, we are talking all about our springtime movie selections. Of course, as is the case in all of these “interviews”, it’s hard to capture the essence and the fun of these talks here on the blog, so I highly recommend listening, either on the player at the top of this page, or on your preferred podcast app!

What’s in our teacups? Sarah is drinking a (huge mug of) Earl Grey black tea with a little sweetener and heavy cream. I’m drinking some black tea that I chilled and put over ice.

Get your cuppa and let’s go!


What makes a movie a “spring movie?”

Sarah’s criteria:

-maybe set in spring

-tend to have more golden light, a certain coloration and cinematography

-lots of historical fiction

My criteria:

-set (at least partially) in springtime

-mostly films set in France

-more delicate, feminine, happy films

-all have a female lead (just something I noticed about my list)


All-Around Top Pick: Chocolat. This is an absolute must-see for us. It spans the 6 weeks leading up to Easter Sunday, so this is a perfect early-spring watch. It's basically like a fairytale, but without the magic, but with the folklore, but add chocolate. Set in a small French village in the 1950's, this story features some fantastically complex and strong female leads, and is just wonderful from beginning to end. The cast is phenomenal, and in the end you feel a little lighter, a big refreshed. Plus, you have to eat chocolate while you eat it.

1. Emma (2020). These next two picks are mine, and they kind of go together. I talked a lot about these two on the Bridgerton episode a couple months ago, but in case you haven't watched them yet, PLEASE do it in the springtime. Emma is hilarious and the countryside scenes are just gorgeous. Sarah and I both love a good historical drama/romance in the spring, I mean who doesn't?

2. Pride and Prejudice (2005). Talk about some golden lighting, this is such a beautiful film. Plus, there's a lot of walking in this adaptation, so you'll never be more inspired to go on a really long walk just after a rain. This love story is so touching, it just makes me so so happy to watch this movie.

3. Anne of Green Gables (and it’s sequels). This adaptation of L. M. Montgomery's beloved book series was on both of our movie lists. It's actually a trilogy that follows the story of Anne Shirley, one of my favorite heroines ever. She's passionate and fiery and totally sincere, and all of the story lines are just so heartwarming. There's a lot of walking through fields and picnics and seaside and all that, and even the third film partially set during WWI ends so beautifully and peacefully. So so good!

4. Saving Mr. Banks. One of Sarah's all time favorite's and next on her list is this unique story about P. L. Travers, the author of Mary Poppins, as she works with Walt Disney during the making of the iconic film. I mean, if nothing else you can watch it for the scenes of vintage Disneyland, where all dreams come true, but also there's a very interesting backstory to these characters that most people never knew about. Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks are perfect in their roles, and while this one is probably the most emotional of them all (pack a tissue), the ending is truly beautiful.

5. Julie and Julia. This is one of my all-time favorites, and it made my spring list for sure. We have Paris, we have cooking montages, we have so many hilarious scenes, and I find that this movie changes with me as I grow. It tells two stories of two women navigating a huge project in their lives, plus two different marriage dynamics that are just fascinating. You will definitely want to get a copy of Julia Child's book by the end of this, it's just wonderful.

6. Christopher Robin. I was going to put this on my summer list, but it was the golden light that bathes this story that made Sarah add it to her spring movies. Even if you didn't necessarily grow up with Winnie The Pooh (we didn't), this story is so gentle and heartwarming. Christopher Robin is all grown up and has forgotten his childlike sensibilities, until all his old friends help bring a little fun back into his life. This is one children, but also adults, will find layers of beautiful storytelling that make it a new classic.

Plus, all the fields and picnics are springtime gold.

7. Charade. The next two picks are mine, and similar to the Jane Austen films, these two go together in my head. Both are Audrey Hepburn films, and both are set in Paris. Really, any of her films are lovely in the springtime if you ask me. Charade, while I maybe made it sound more serious in the podcast, is really an even mix of a drama/comedy/mystery/suspense. It's a fun movie and the wardrobe is, naturally, one of the big draws.

8. Funny Face. Again, perfect Audrey, but this time it's a musical. The plot is so fantastical and lovely that it just makes me so happy to watch it. I love the little peeks into the bebop scene, Fred Astaire is a joy, and the fashion is even more spectacular. It's a longer movie so it's nice for a lazy afternoon or something.

9. A Bug’s Life. You've probably already seen this, but it's definitely time to watch it again. Sarah added this as her animated pick, and in fact we watched it the evening that we recorded the podcast! This movie is hilarious, and definitely makes me want to get out into the garden even more, what with the power of seeds and all.

10. The Princess Diaries (plus Part 2: Royal Engagement). This is just some feel-good comfort film right here. Sarah added the first film to her list, mostly because it's clearly set during the spring and it's a happy film, and then I sort of added the sequel onto it. We all remember the gorgeous garden party, I assume. The nostalgia probably plays a big role in this, but just like Funny Face, it's fun to think of these impossible scenarios.


So there you go! I so hope you enjoyed this chat between me and my sister, and that maybe you're inspired to try out some of these movies! If you have any that didn't make it onto our list, I would love to hear about it. Just leave a comment below letting me know you're favorite film to watch during the springtime. I'm always looking for new things to see!

A snack idea: Sarah and I mentioned that probably our movie snack of choice in the springtime is fruit with chocolate. She likes to melt down chocolate, but I just like squares of straight-up dark chocolate.

Sarah’s Little Joy: This video, which visually represents Bach’s Little Fugue in G minor. Sarah’s been a little stressed out lately, as she and her husband Christian just bought and moved into their first home (yay!), and she said this video was comforting in how orderly and lovely the music and the visuals are. Check it out!

What We’re Listening To: I’ve made this playlist, Spring Movie Night, especially for this episode, including the scores of all 10 of the films on the list. Just start at the beginning, let it play in order, and let it be the background for your sunny spring day. I’ve curated it very specifically, so let me know if you enjoy!

As always, thank you so much for tuning in to this podcast. If you like what you're hearing, feel free to leave a rating or review on Itunes, or share with someone who would like it!

Until next time, have a lovely week!

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