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Podcast 82: Kitchen “Gadgets” That I Actually Use

Hello hello, and welcome to Episode 82 of Life On the Brink!

I’m currently in the midst of packing all my belongings as Josh and I prepare to move to our new house, (!!!) and it’s no surprise that one of the most functional rooms of our apartment has always been the kitchen. I love cooking, and the organization and maintenance of our kitchen has always been a priority, especially since the space is quite small. Though I’m creative with our storage, I’ve really had to prioritize what I keep in my small kitchen.

Of course, there are the pots and pans, knives and cutting boards, cooking utensils and baking dishes, but I’ve also made room for some more specialized tools. Now, I know that these days there’s a gadget for absolutely every cooking task imaginable, most of which I deem entirely unnecessary. There are a few interesting pieces of cookware, though, that have remained staples in this tiny kitchen and are definitely going to be prioritized in our new home.

Whether you’re looking to up your game in the kitchen, or maybe you’re trying to stock your home for the first time, these are tools that I highly recommend. Also, if you’re wondering what to put on your wedding registry, these are things you might not think of right away.

I’ve even got a little list of tools and dishes that I don’t currently have, but I’ve realized the usefulness of, and would like to incorporate into my new kitchen (so exciting to say!).

What’s in my teacup? Black tea with honey and cream. It’s been my go-to for these grey winter mornings.

So here we go!



1. Slow Cooker. The best ever for soups, roasts, and anything that needs to cook all day and make the house smell amazing.

2. Citrus juicer. Wayyyy more efficient than your hand, and it catches seeds!

3. Microplane grater. Great for spices, garlic, ginger, parmesan, and anything that needs to be finely grated.

4. Mortar and pestle. I use this to pound ginger and whole spices, and cant wait to keep polishing it to make pesto, guac, and to get into tea blending. The apothecary vibes are a bonus.

5. Kitchen scale. For those of us in the U.S., this is a must for making (especially baking) international recipes. It's easy to use and gets very precise measurements.

6. Bread bags. Fresh bread is one of the best things in life, and these bags help it stay fresher longer. Rather than put the preservatives in the food, I like to preserve it by saving it in these.

7. Immersion blender. Why transfer your tomato soup to a blender when you can put the blender in the soup? This is a great way to blend large quantities of things, make soups and dressings, and even whipped cream (with the whisk attachment).

8. Mini tongs. Way more useful that I expected. The size and silicone tips are perfect for flipping, serving and grabbing, and they come in every color.

9. Salad spinner. This is the BEST. It lets you clean your greens properly, but dries them so your salad is fresh, not soggy.

10. Knife sharpener. Sharp knives completely change the cooking experience, in my opinion, and are safer to use. This is the one I have, and I love it, but here's another that's a bit more affordable.

Serious baking

Also, there are a few that I’m still in the market for…

-Mandolin. Much easier than slicing that thinly.

-Butter bell. A classic and beautiful way to keep butter fresh and at the perfect, spreadable temperature.

-Olive oil dispenser. It pours at the right rate and looks gorgeous on your counter.

-Apron rack. I think aprons are so cute, but without a place to hang them I forget to use them. In this next kitchen I want to make a space for these beauties.

Cheers! (made possible in part by amazing citrus juicer)


This Week’s Little Joy: I remembered how much I love a London Fog. I hadn't had one in months and months, then tried one again last weekend and WOW, amazing. It's comforting and sweet and milky, and it brings lots of fond memories for me.

I've got a recipe for one too! I hope you're able to enjoy a sweet, warm drink this week.

What I’m Listening To: This is a playlist called "Music for Food" and is ideal for cooking. I took samples from a few of my favorite cooking movies, which just romanticizes your kitchen experience. It's such a lovely vibe, give it a listen and let me know what you think!

Thank you so much for listening!

I'll be taking next week off to help with our big move, but I'll be back in two weeks with a special episode featuring a special guest!

Have a lovely week, my friend. Happy cooking :)

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