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Golden Milk Oatmeal: a recipe

Hello hello, it’s another recipe!

It’s that time of year when 1. All I want is something sweet, warm and cozy, and

2. It’s more important than ever to try to take care of your body.

There are little sweet treats everywhere all at once when it gets close to the holidays, so I like to start my morning off with something that’s wholesome and nourishing, but still satisfies that craving for something warm and comforting. Enter: these oats.

If you’re unfamiliar with the delight that is Golden Milk, it’s a traditional Indian drink made from warm milk and spices, primarily turmeric. Now, we talked on the podcast a couple weeks ago about the health benefits of turmeric and other spices, and this drink is truly an anti-inflammatory powerhouse. It also has a lot of helpful antioxidants and can help lower blood sugar, all good things to have during this time of year.

It’s delicious and warming, and has become a more popular drink here in the States as well. I’m personally a big fan of it’s sweet, spicy, slightly earthy flavor, and have turned it into a hearty winter breakfast! These Golden Milk Oats are comforting and satiating, but with all the health benefits of the drink.

It’s so super easy to make, and the color is amazing!

Just FYI, I like it when the spice level is very obvious, almost punch-you-in-the-face obvious, so if you find it’s too much for you, feel free to play with the spice levels.

Also, sometimes I add in cardamom and clove, which takes it in more of a Chai direction, but is also really delicious.

I like pairing these oats with coconut flakes, the flavor of which matches these spices so perfectly, and pomegranate seeds, which are in season. It’s the perfect breakfast for a holiday morning, and leaves you feeling nourished and good in your body. Win-win-win.



Serves 1


-½ c old fashioned or steel cut oats

-½ tsp cinnamon

-½ tsp turmeric

-¼ tsp ground ginger

-â…› tsp cardamom (optional)

-a dash of ground clove (optional)

-a pinch of salt

-1 c almond milk (or milk of choice)

-¼ tsp vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste

Toppings options: coconut flakes, yogurt, pomegranate seeds, maple syrup or honey, nut butter, stewed berries, etc.


1. Combine the oats, spices, salt and milk in a small saucepan.

2. Bring to a boil over medium heat, then immediately reduce medium low. Continue cooking for 3-5 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking, until desired consistency.

3. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla extract. Transfer the oats to a bowl, decorate with desired toppings and serve.

Here's another variation with stewed blueberries. SO GOOD.


I hope you enjoy this recipe, leave me a comment if you try it out! And finally, here’s a simple acoustic Christmas album for a quiet, cozy morning.

Have a lovely week, and Merry Christmas!

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